If you pay attention to your own personal health insurance rates, you are likely to notice that over a period of time they are quite likely to go up. Most people are aware of the fact that health insurance premiums tend to increase over time, and these jumps in cost can present quite a financial strain for somebody who is on a tight budget. In order to be able to best anticipate when your rates will go up in the future, it is a good idea to spend some time learning about how health insurance rates are calculated and why they sometimes head skyward.
Although many people notice their health insurance rates going up, few people ever remark on their health insurance rates going down. Premiums very rarely fall, and the reason for this fact is the same reason for most increases in health insurance rates. Like any other field of the modern business world, the health care industry is profoundly affected by inflation. As the cost of living rises, the cost of medical care rises with it. This means that insurance companies are forced to raise their rates to avoid losing money. Inflation is widely considered by economists to be the primary reason why health insurance rates increase.
The other reason why you are most likely to find yourself paying more for health insurance coverage is that you are costing your insurance company money. The more insurance claims you make, the more money the company needs to spend on you. This makes you, to some extent, a financial liability, so if you make claims often your company will raise your rates. Because of this fact, the same people who need health insurance the most are the ones who often end up straining to make their monthly payments after a sudden increase in their insurance rates.
To protect themselves, insurance companies usually offer higher rates to different people depending on how often those customers are likely to make claims. This is why people with chronic conditions like asthma, vision problems, or diabetes are likely to have higher rates than people without similar afflictions. It is also the reason why people who smoke and are therefore likely to have smoking-related health problems have higher insurance premiums than most non-smokers, who are statistically less likely to make health insurance claims. If you have recently visited a hospital or have had a doctor write you a new prescription, prepare to see your health insurance rates increase accordingly.
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